“I worked at the sheriff’s dept. at
the time of that murder and I dispatched the officers, detectives, and
ambulance there. The problem with solving that case is that the officers in
charge of the investigation and the store owners let everybody and their brother down the basement before they decided to start an official
investigation... in other words they dropped the ball…” ~Raymond Haight
I ran across the above comment on a Facebook thread
dedicated to the murder of Janette Roberson, so I contacted Mr. Haight to see
if I could get his memory of the event. Raymond Haight said he had just come in
to work about 3:45 to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Department. His shift was
from 4:00 to 12:00pm. Not more than 3 minutes after his butt was in the chair,
according to him, the call came in from Gambles.
“It was David Engels and he said there was a murder in the
basement at Gambles.”
Haight says he turned to the two deputies standing in the
sheriff’s department at the time and told them what they had. To his
recollection, the deputies present were Terry Oyster and Tom Kingsbury. Their
shift change was the same time as the dispatchers, so that’s why they both
happened to be standing there at the time, according to Haight.
“They weren’t even out the door and I was on the line
dispatching EMS. Then I contacted the State Police post. They were the ones
that called the Reed City officers.”
Back then, Haight said—and it was
confirmed by Gary McGhee—the Reed City MSP post dispatched the city police.
He said dispatches would have gone out to all cars, but not
the EMS, as they were on a different frequency. So anyone manning a patrol car
in the area would have heard the dispatch. This, however, contradicts the
Finkbeiner/Primeau report which states they were notified by Osceola County
Dispatch. I asked Mr. Haight again and he was very clear. He said he did not
dispatch the city police. He called the State Police Post, and it was they who
were to contact RCPD officers.
It was Haight’s understanding that when the first officers arrived
on scene, the doors were not secured and the owner was “…letting people to go
in and out, and down into the basement.” That seems to corroborate the MSP
report, based on how many people had been listed as being in the vicinity of
the body.
Surely all of those folks weren’t allowed near the body after Officers Primeau and Finkbeiner
When asked if any related calls came in about the scene that
day, Haight said the sheriff’s department got word about ten or fifteen minutes
after the initial call that there was a possible suspect on a bus leaving Reed
City—someone described as having run out the back door of Gambles in an army
coat toward where the bus picked up, down by the Osceola Inn, which was on
Upton Avenue, about a block from Gambles.
I told Mr. Haight that the Michigan State Police, Reed City,
and Osceola reports all said the call came in as a heart attack, and that Gary
McGhee remembered it vividly as a heart attack because that was what he thought
he was responding to until the moment he saw Janette’s brutalized body. Haight
assured me that the call did not come in as a heart attack, and repeated that
the call he took was from a person saying they were David Engels calling to say
there had been a murder in the Gambles basement.
Could more than one call have come in, I wondered, aloud? I
asked Haight if 9-1-1 was in use then, and he said no. So I asked if a citizen
needed the police, who would they call? He said they would call the sheriff’s
office directly, or the state post, and then he rattled off a number: 832-2211.
Haight was silent for a few seconds, and then said, “You
know what could have happened? It didn’t come
in as a heart attack, but maybe we dispatched it that way because of the
scanners. See, you wouldn’t want to call in a murder, because too many other
people would hear it because of the scanners.”
He said he thinks that’s what may
have happened. The call came in as a murder, but he dispatched it as a heart
attack. Apparently, there were enough people in the community with scanners that dispatching it that way was a possibliity.
“But that would have been done at the order of Sheriff
Needham,” Haight said. “He would be the only one to give that order.” It is of
note, though, that Haight did not have independent recollection of that
occurring. This was just supposition.
“So, Needham must have been there at the time the call came
in, then?” I asked.
Haight said he was always around. His residence was attached
to the jail.
Another thing Haight remembered was the birds. He had two
parakeets at the time. On his way to work that day, around 3:30 or so, he considered
stopping into Gambles to get some birdseed because he was out. But when he got
downtown he remembered he was in uniform.
“I didn’t wanna go buying birdseed for a parakeet in
So he didn’t go. All these years later, he wondered aloud, “What if I
had? Maybe I’d have seen something.”
Raymond Haight’s is not the only What if? story I heard in relation to this case.
On the day of the murder, another local picked up his then
mother-in-law from Meadowview Apartments, the same apartments where Janette and
her family lived. His mother-in-law and her son were friendly with Janette.
He and his wife worked at the hospital in Reed City, different shifts. He
worked 3:00 to 11:00pm, his wife worked the 8:00 to 4:00 or 9:00 to 5:00 shift,
so his mother-in-law would watch the kids for a couple hours until his wife got
Earlier in the week they’d discussed stopping by Gambles
because his mother-in-law said Janette wanted her to come look at a parrot she
wanted to sell her. The mother-in-law even asked the gentleman to pick her up a few
minutes early that day. But as often happens when routine overrides best laid
plans, they both forgot on the day they’d planned to go.
When they arrived at his house where he would deposit her
for babysitting duty before heading off to work, he remembered.
“Oh, we
forgot to stop at Gambles about the bird.”
The mother-in-law assured him they could
go another day. Based on his schedule, he said they would have been in the pet
store around 2:30. They never made it.
He heard about the murder around 4:30 that day in the
cafeteria at the hospital. He said it was all over the hospital pretty fast.
Little did he know that his forgotten trip to look at a bird, along with a
familial connection to someone related to the case, would years later bring the
Michigan State Police to his door.
...to be continued...
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