the person I feel like I got to know the most while researching this
book is Marion Fisher, Janette’s mother. She was first described to
me by Terry Hall, a friend of Janette and her brother.
found her to be very creative, very intelligent, and very tolerant.
She had her own mother move in and she tended her, plus held a job,
and had a son at home all at the same time. Plus she was very active
in her church. Sometimes on the way to church I’d be following and
watch Marion brake and swerve to miss birds in the road.”
Fisher was the Reed City Clerk and Treasurer at the time of her
daughter’s murder. Back then it was all one position. So, in
addition to all the other things she was juggling when Janette was
killed, she was also playing a major role in helping to keep Reed
City running smoothly.
of the first bits of research I did for this book was to devour three
years’ worth of city council meeting minutes, which were printed
out by Jackie Beam, the current city clerk. The bound volumes had to
be lugged from storage to where they would be copied. Thirty years
ago, they were kept in legal size binders, which meant legal size
paper, extra-long and more bulky than the standard 8.5 X 11 inch
commonly used today. The copies I received are clearly of hand typed
documents, and often Marion’s handwriting is at the top marked
“Indexed.” Each set of monthly minutes bears her signature.
able to get an up-close look into her day-to-day job proved an
invaluable insight, even though each set of minutes only represented
one meeting she’d had that day, which occurred in the evening,
usually called to order at around 7:30pm by the Mayor at the time,
Donald Collison. After a long day at the office, that’s where
Marion was a couple times a month, taking notes, very often bobbing
and weaving.
Reed City city council, bless their hearts, they were… how shall I
put it? Well, they were an opinionated
bunch, and even though council members came and went, the core group
stayed basically the same for the time period I researched.
individual was a standout: Marjorie Brown White.
I remember sitting
down with Barb Westerburg, the present city treasurer, and saying,
“I’d have loved to talk to her. She seemed like a pisser.”
nodded and smiled. “Yes, she was.”
fancied herself, among other things, an historian. She wrote a book
titled One
Hundred Going on Two Hundred
that commemorated Reed City’s centennial in 1975. I purchased a
copy at The
Old Rugged Cross Museum
in Reed City. That is where I found all of the old Herald and Pioneer
newspaper articles from which I obtained a great deal of historical
context about Reed City in general, as well as what was going on
around the time of the murder.
Brown White’s life deserves a book in and of itself, but for our
purposes, she was the council member who wasn’t afraid to point
fingers and name names in the middle of a televised council meeting.
At one point, those fingers were being (dramatically) pointed at
Marion Fisher. But before we get to that, we must go back almost a
year prior to the murder, in order to set the stage.
Osceola Herald
article published on March 10, 1983—almost two months after
Janette’s murder, and just after his termination—former Reed City
Police Officer Theodore Platz commented: “Police Chief Rathbun has
stated that I have not violated any laws. Am I being terminated
because of an embarrassment to the city? If so, I submit that the
actions of some council members at council meetings (which are shown
live on Cable 7) are far more embarrassing to the city.”
Needless to say, that piqued my curiosity. Embarrassing council members? Bring it! That's right up my proverbial alley. I enjoy the feisty ones...
contacted Colin Hayward, who was the Chamber of Commerce secretary at
the time of the murder, and he gave me a bit of backstory on the
filming and broadcasting of the meetings.
We broadcast the proceedings
of the Reed City city council live and in living color way back in
the first days of having cable TV in Reed City. I’m believing in
1980 and 1981. We had to go West off Chestnut across from Don
Patterson’s home and reach up a pole and switch the broadcast wire
from my home on Chestnut across the street from Vic’s Market to a
wire from the Nazarene Church, and after the broadcasts make the
switch back.
It was very interesting that many people said they NEVER
watched the Council meetings, but when I would pack up the equipment
and take it back to our studio in the City Hall portion of the city
building, I would go out to the then Frontier Inn and later the Chuck
Wagon and someone would make a comment about what happened at the
Council meeting. I had to smile inside as they would have said, “We
never watch the Council meetings.” One of the other things we
broadcast were the birthdays and anniversaries of anyone who wanted
their name on a continuing loop that played when we weren’t
broadcasting a live or videotaped event.
During those years we also
videotaped a few sessions of the County Board of Commissioners and
played the video tapes on the system from my breezeway between the
garage and house at 715 S. Chestnut Street. That is the place the
programs emanated from, whether live or video, for the news,
interviews, weather or whatever.
All the video tapes were played from
that location until we moved to the City Hall, as an alternate
location. When we did, I had to make the wire switch on the pole
across from Don Patterson’s home.
I’m sorry I don’t have any
of those old tapes for you to watch. The Reed City Council meetings
were very interesting. I had served on the City Council and when the
opportunity became available, it was fun to broadcast those sessions
live. Once in a while they would have a closed meeting for personnel
reasons (which is allowable under the law) and the City Attorney
would come and make sure the cable was disconnected from the camera
and sound feed was also disconnected. The law stated that the Council
had to make some type of report at the end of the closed meeting as
to the type of thing discussed, and then they could end the meeting.
begin my city council research, I went to the city building and
picked up a thick packet of copied council minutes, binder-clipped
into three sections, one for each of the years 1982, 1983, and 1984.
I was hoping for some context. Murder doesn’t occur in a vacuum,
and even though I knew it was highly unlikely that I’d read the
name of the killer on any one of those legal-sized pages, I figured
you could learn a lot about a community by what they were spending
their money on, not to mention what they spent time arguing about.
monthly meetings were full of what you’d expect—street lights
that need fixing, citizens coming to air a gripe or two, property
assessments, votes on city ordinances, discussions about fluoride in
the water, audits of the finances, bids for city work to be done…
yadda, yadda, yadda—you get the idea. Not exactly riveting stuff.
I was rewarded, right out of the box, by high drama - only three
pages in and it read like a soap opera, if by soap opera you mean the
city manager being summarily ousted, mid-meeting.
February 1st
1982 the city manager was Ralph Westerburg. He’d come from Milford,
Ohio where he was city manager, and took the helm in Reed City in
March of 1973. From a 2003 article in The
after his death, Westerburg was described as follows:
Phillip Rathbun:
“I have nothing but praise to say about him. Ralph was a very
progressive city manager. He went out and made things happen. He
developed an industrial park, created a park system in Reed City for
recreation, expanded industry, started the repaving street program,
extended water and sewer, I could go on and on… We will miss him, I
will miss him. I bear the sadness of his loss because he was like one
of the family.”
Tom Meinert,
Reed City Planning Commission chairman and former city councilman
during Westerburg’s era: “I always had a good working
relationship with Ralph. You might not get the answer you would like
from him, but you always got the straight answer.”
is a word I got a lot when people described Westerburg. It’s clear
he knew the job was about bringing new business to the area and then
promoting it. A couple years into his tenure, two of Reed City’s
finest (names you’ll now find familiar) hauled him into the pokey for being drunk and disorderly. The article hit the AP, and I found
it in no less than five different newspapers around the country,
probably for the fact that the officers in question had arrested
their boss. It’s unlikely that happens with glaring regularity, for
obvious reasons.
after having been fired, Reed City hired Westerburg back in July of
1986, working part of the year from Florida. Nice gig if you can get
February 1, 1982 City Council meeting began like normal, including
things like a long discussion regarding an auditor’s report, the
previous meeting’s minutes were read and approved, and the council
went on to discuss local business owners’ concerns about the new
US-131 expressway.
Councilwoman White asked one of the other council members why he did
not ask for Mr. Westerburg’s dismissal after he made accusations
about him at the January meeting. Apparently there had been a
question as to how Westerberg had used some personal and/or vacation
Councilwoman White went on to question Westerburg’s authority
to hire the new deputy clerk, and then she lowered the boom.
Westerburg has been heard to say the Council doesn’t run itself, he
runs the council.” Councilwoman White further alleged that
businessmen had come to her and said, “Ralph has to go.”
you saying you are getting reports from business people?” Mayor
Collison asked.
White answered that she was, and then she made the following motion,
seconded by Councilman Scarborough.
“We would be well advised to
terminate the services of our city manager as of now, and I so move.”
does what he thinks is best for the city, but what he does is not
always for the city’s good,” Councilman Koon said. He further
stated that it was the council’s fault for letting him get away
with it.
appears this had been brewing for a while, but nobody on the council
had the stones to make a motion. Nobody with the exception of
Councilwoman White, who found an opening and decided to take full
advantage. The Mayor was suddenly concerned about who would present
the budget if Westerburg was gone, because it was due. After more
discussion, a vote was taken and it carried according to the
following votes: NO votes—Councilpersons Jehnzen, Marrinan, and
Mayor Collison. YES votes—Councilpersons Lutz, Scarborough, Koon
and White.
the minutes, as noted by Marion Fisher: “At this time Mr.
Westerburg informed the Council that they would have a real group
following and that they were the ones who were going to suffer for
this. He further stated that, ‘As far as this town is concerned, I
intend to show you what foolishness you’ve done. I am going to put
in the paper what goes on in Reed City and what has been done by
myself as City Manager.’”
Mr. Westerburg’s statement, Larry Herring (Superintendent of Public
Works) tossed his keys to Mayor Collison, and the mayor then asked if
that meant he was resigning.
mayor said there would have to be appointments made and asked for a
five minute recess, after which he reconvened and informed the
council that due to the fact that the City Manager had been
terminated, he was appointing himself and the City Clerk [Marion
Fisher] as acting City Managers until a replacement could be hired.
then they went on to complete the meeting as if nothing unsettling
had occurred.
I think I may have spit coffee all over my desk in
amusement as I read it. There are brown droplets all over my printed
was called to the council’s attention pretty quick that the Mayor
could not legally play the role of city manager. In the March 1, 1982
special meeting Mayor
Collison clarified. “The Charter reads that an elected officer
cannot act as Acting City Manager. The clerk, Marion Fisher, will act
as city manager. Motion offered. Councilman Koon and Councilwoman Marjorie Brown White voted NO,
everyone else voted YES.”
voted NO a lot, and often had at least one other Councilperson voting
along with her.
This was but the first indication that she would take
issue with Marion Fisher’s role in city government.
For the moment,
though, debt was the issue. In the same meeting, Council voted to
borrow funds for “operational” expenses in the sum not to exceed
$35,000. After that, Ralph Westerburg presented a request to the city
to pick up one year of retirement service from his time in Milford,
Ohio from the Michigan Employment Retirement System. Westerburg
explained that he had intended to retire at the end of 1982 and was
terminated in the meanwhile. As a result, he lost about $3,000 in sick
time. Then Phil Rathbun asked the council to consider his
two years which he didn’t pick up when he went to Fowlerville and
then came back to Reed City. He said that he would like to regain
those two years.
Then the mayor appointed a group from council to
start going through city manager applications, with Marion Fisher to
sit in on those meetings.
now it’s March of 1982, Marion is the City Clerk, City Treasurer,
Acting City Manager, and that’s just the work related stuff. She’s
got an elderly mother at home, along with a son, and a couple of
grandkids—Janette’s son and daughter—who she picks up from
school each day while Janette and Alvin are at work. Add those one or
two monthly evening meetings, plus church and associated church
functions, and it’s pretty clear no dust settled on Marion Fisher.
say a lot was going on in Reed City at this time would be a gross
understatement. The city was running at a deficit. In fact, in May
the Treasury Department sent a letter requesting Reed City form a
plan to lower the deficit in the 1981-1982 budget. Council requested
a letter be sent back to the Treasury Department asking for an
extension on submitting the plan, given they were working with an
acting city manager and it was usually the city manager who took the
lead on such matters.
May 18,
a special meeting was called to interview James Nordstrom for the
city manager position. Councilwoman White asked him what his feeling
was concerning the relationship between city manager and council.
Nordstrom replied, “Your city manager is only as good as your
council, and vice-versa.”
mayor asked Nordstrom if he would be willing to move to Reed City if
hired and Nordstrom said yes, he felt every city manager should be a
resident of the city. Then the mayor asked if Nordstrom would
consider combining the jobs of city manager and city assessor.
manager, I would say no because the funds of your city are only as
good as your taxes and the assessor is a real critical person to the
city,” Nordstrom replied.
was another problem. Right before the Westerburg guano hit the fan,
the city had been dealing with the fact that their city assessor,
Dorman Elder, was about to be forced to resign due to a conflict of
interests; Elder was also the county equalizer. How that happened in
the first place is anyone’s guess, but it does stand out as a big
no-no. In fact, according to a Pioneer article dated Jan 18, 1983
(one day before Janette’s murder):
“The Reed City
City Council voted to turn over to the county, for a short-term
basis, the assessing of the city in light of the resignation of
former city assessor, Dorman Elder. Elder is also the county
equalization director. Last year, the county commission had given
notice to the city that the county would no longer allow the
equalization director, or his office, to handle the assessor’s job.
The vote by the Reed City city council instructed City Manager Jim
Nordstrom to find a new assessor within six months. The council also
approved the borrowing of $30,000 by the city from an area financial
institution at the best possible interest rate, to the city, with the
expiration of the loan being Oct 30, 1983. “We could take the loan
out from The Reed City State Bank,” said Nordstrom. “I feel it
would be in our best interest to borrow from a local bank than to
deal elsewhere.”
you’re keeping track, that would be two
loans in less than a year. Reed City was heavily in debt by 1983.
we’re still in 1982 and Marion Fisher is still acting city
manager—and was for a total of six months, until the July 14th,
1982 meeting where James Nordstrom was voted in by council as the new
city manager.
Boy did he step into it.
His first meeting was a
doozey, mainly for how much crap was going on and the ill-will
swirling around Reed City for a number of reasons. From the meeting
minutes transcribed by Marion Fisher:
Upon request from Councilwoman
White, the following will be added to the June 7th meeting minutes:
“Mr. Les Heyboer suggested various ways to clear up the deficits in
the city budget; one of the ways was to check into the Fire
Department New Equipment fund. Councilwoman White strongly objected
to this.”
Addition noted.
Councilwoman White also stated
that if we ever change the way we do our Fire Department business,
we’ll have troubles galore. She further stated that we have the
best Fire dept. in the country.
Councilman Marrinan stated
that he didn’t feel that the auditor suggested taking money
specifically from the Fire Department Fund, but that he was just
talking in general accounting terms.
Councilwoman Jehnzen stated
that this was a very touchy subject with the Fire Department as they
felt that money had been taken from their funds when it shouldn’t
have been.
Councilwoman White agreed with this.
Citizen Patricia Milligan
(former city clerk) took issue with the above statement. She stated
that she objected to this statement and that she had heard this
before. She further stated that if you go through the book,
everything is itemized, notes if it was an appropriation, or gives
the date of the resolution that Council passed authorizing a transfer
of funds or payment of an expense. She further stated that no money
had ever been used illegally. If there were any questions, anyone
could come to City Hall and check the books.
Next discussion on proposed
fees for tennis courts. Ken Bisbee came before council with a
petition requesting no fees for the use. Mayor Collison asked Bisbee
if he’d approached the Recreation Committee. Bisbee said he
approached Community Ed. Dept. and they had nothing to do with it. He
further said that he came to City Hall and was told the City was
responsible for the rates.
City Clerk Marion Fisher
explained that she had set the rates (while acting city manager, and
per minutes of an earlier council meeting) from figures left by Mr.
Ralph Westerburg, and had even made them lower than his figures.
Bisbee said he felt these
charges were causing tremendous ill will in the community and that
“We have too many
things around town, both in and out, that have caused ill will.”
Mayor said he would turn this
matter over to the Recreation Committee.
Dennis Marrinan stated that, as
far as he was concerned, as a Council Member, the Fire Equipment Funds
are not open to General Fund use; that they are a specific fund and
that council would have to approve any transactions.
At this time Gerald Kienitz
made an apology to Councilwoman White, Mrs. Marion Fisher, and
Councilwoman Jehnzen for a statement printed in a letter that the
Fire Department had previously mailed out. The letter stated that no
council member objected to the use of the Fire Equipment funds, as
suggested by the auditors.
Councilwoman White made a
suggestion of logging all phone calls out of the Clerk’s office.
City Manager Nordstrom stated he was in the process of initiating an
internal program to insure that each call is logged.
Discussion of the sewer
project bill totaling $53,144.25. Council unanimously authorized
cashing in of CD’s from the Michigan National Bank Surplus Fund to
finalize the payment to Dailey’s Construction.
Rathbun in attendance
Upon return, no action was
taken concerning pending litigation.
pending litigation was with regard to the purchase of the old city
garage by Delbert Davidson—purchased during Westerburg’s tenure.
There was some question as to whether Davidson was properly informed
upon purchase by Westerburg that there were code issues about
building the dwelling around capped off sewers. The dwelling was too
close to a city well for the Tool and Die, which could contain
contaminated items. Mr. Davidson stated that he believed the city hid
the fact that there wasn’t any sewer access, and he had no
knowledge of that until city workers came down and told him he didn’t
have a sewer.
attorney James Thompson told council he prepared the deed at the
direction of the city manager and council. When the deed was
prepared, he was not aware that there was a well in the area. When
the deed was signed, he realized what property it was. Thompson told
council that Mr. Westerburg indicated to him that Davidson knew about
the problem.
actually ended up being a huge deal and costing the city money,
despite what would be told to the press, later.
(In writer-land we
call that foreshadowing, folks.)
the council chugged along through November of 1982, elections were
held, and on November 8th
the new council was sworn in: Carl Holmgren, Marjorie Brown White,
Michael Noreen, Iris Jehnzen, R. Clark Barto, and David Brooks. Carl
Holmgren was declared
Mayor Pro Tem. As an example of the type of exchanges that often
included the dramatic Marjorie Brown White, I offer this:
“Councilwoman White
questioned whether it was proper for Councilman Barto’s wife being
the secretary to Jim Thompson, city attorney. She asked if she would
be allowed to get another attorney’s opinion. She said she would
write to the Attorney General to get a determination. City Attorney
Thompson commented that she might not get an answer from the Attorney
General. Mayor Collison stated that if Councilwoman White wanted an
opinion from another attorney, it would have to be at her own
of this is being transcribed by Marion Fisher who is diligently
taking notes with what I read between the lines as a touch of wry
humor and wit. I can almost picture the city attorney rolling his
eyes and silently chuckling while flicking a speck of nothing off the
front of his shirt. If this were a movie and I was the director,
that’s how I’d instruct the actor to play it; faux irritation
with a hint of obnoxious entitlement.
the December 20, 1982 proceedings—which would fall within our
timeline as the day before the assault by a Reed City Police officer
on two state troopers and a resident at the Buckboard Bar, for
purposes of context—after returning from a CLOSED SESSION meeting,
Mayor Collison
stated that council had discussed the Tool and Die situation and
directed the city manager to continue to negotiate with Mr. Davidson.
In this meeting, it is also noted that a new Reed City Police officer
is hired, and that would be Officer Michel Primeau. (He had only
worked for Reed City PD for one month before the murder of Janette
Roberson occurred.)
Article on Officer Primeau's hiring. |
Accompanying article regarding the council meeting described in this section. |
the next meeting, which was held on January 10,
(nine days before the murder), city
manager Nordstrom asked Council’s direction about the city hiring
an attorney in the event of a possible litigation. This attorney
would have to have labor-relation experience. After some discussion,
it was Council’s consensus to have the city manager hire a labor
relations attorney if the need arose. This was likely related to the
Buckboard Bar assault. If the Police Chief felt he was going to have
to fire an officer, and the officer in question was going to
challenge that firing, the city would need an attorney with
labor-relation experience to handle the situation.
the January 17, 1983 regular meeting (two days before Janette’s
murder) Marion Fisher read a letter of resignation from Mr. Dorman
Elder, city assessor. Council unanimously voted to turn assessing
over to the county for a maximum of six months or less, and the city
would be charged appropriately. Council unanimously authorized Mr.
Nordstrom to go to local finance institutions and check the best
possible interest rate that he could negotiate on a $30,000 loan.
Councilman Holmgren asked why the city would not go ahead and hook up
the Tool and Die’s sewer? Nordstrom explained he would rather they
choose their own contractor and expressed that if the city went ahead
with the expense of this project, which would be in
the low thousands of dollars,
Flight Tool could easily say that they were not ready to open their
business, therefore refusing to pay the city back for the expense.
in a Pioneer article, Nordstrom is quoted as saying “Flight Tool
will select the contractor and is paying 75% of the total costs.”
a CLOSED SESSION the mayor attributed to negotiations between the
municipal employees and the city,
Noreen questioned estimating water bills, credits and debits. The
city manager answered all questions, which were about adjustments on
bills for overestimations on water and sewer.
another bit of foreshadowing here, folks… just remember Sewer
& Water.)
Nordstrom chimed in to say that Reed City Police Officer Larry
Finkbeiner had received the Citizen of the Year award from the Reed
City Jaycees.
Then a member of the press asked Councilman Brooks if
he had forgotten his question concerning a municipal employee?
Councilman Brooks replied that his question was answered in the
standard procedure of the closed session.
Whatever the press was
asking, they weren’t getting an answer, since they aren’t allowed
in closed session, and neither is the public. It’s like a super-secret
meeting that only council members and the city attorney are privy to.
press was there for information about the Reed City officer who had
assaulted two state troopers and a resident at The Buckboard Bar,
because the press tends to be drawn—like moths to flame (or me to
Oreos)—to any misconduct around law enforcement officers. Looks
like the council didn’t want to pull that can of worms out in front
of an audience, legal issues aside, given the RCPD had not decided
what to do about the officer in question. At least not formally. Was
Officer Platz suspended? Was he working? Had he already been informed
of his impending termination? All questions I’d have been asking if
I were a member of the press.
It appears they tried, but were shut
down. Not exactly a beacon of transparency, but it does remind me of
that saying Nancy Grace uses on her show, ad
“There’s no detergent like sunshine!”
days after this meeting, Janette Roberson is murdered in the basement
pet department of the Gambles store. The next month, ad the regularly scheduled city council meeting, on February
21, 1983, Marion Fisher
is taking notes as usual, despite the devastation in her personal
life. Her daughter had only been dead a month.
At this meeting, “City
Manager Nordstrom stated that he and Mr. Davidson of Flight Tool
Company have verbally reached an agreement that he would recommend to
the city council. The city would carry 90% of the sewer connection
costs and 100% of engineering fees. Flight Tool would carry 10% of
the cost of the sewer connections. The city will ask for bids.
Nordstrom will have a written agreement prepared between the city and
is a drastically different deal than he told the Pioneer reporter in
the article published on January 17th after the last meeting. It is
unclear what turned the proverbial tides. Perhaps when faced with a
grisly murder, the city decided to cut its losses and move the hell
things were only getting worse. Aside from the murder that would rock
Reed City, in the months to follow, embezzlement in the clerk’s
office came to light. There’s no telling how long the folks in the
city office knew about it, or how long they were scurrying around to
figure out how bad it was, and what they could to do mitigate the
damage. It is
clear that the city manager doesn’t mention it until his hand is
forced by Marjorie Brown White in another dramatic council meeting.
might be a good time to grab the popcorn.)
Critchfield, the former Deputy Clerk, who’d worked for Reed City
for over twenty years, was found to have been futzing with the Sewer
and Water books. One has to wonder how the auditors didn’t pick up
on the inconsistencies, given the books were audited every year, but
it does explain why the city was so far in debt. Not only had she
been solely responsible for the sewer and water books for over twenty
years, but she was also the secretary for the Andersen agency—the
insurance company for the city. Based on the arrest report, an audit
of the books is only done from 1980 on. That was when the city went
to computerized billing. Whatever she may have taken prior to that
remains unknown. I can’t imagine anyone would believe she’d just
started stealing from the city in the last couple years of her
decades-long employment.
people I spoke to said gossip around town was that Critchfield was
just the fall-guy. I have uncovered nothing to suggest that to be the
case, but unfortunately it was a very short time period that was
audited within the investigation done by Michigan State Police, and
whatever investigation Chief Rathbun did prior to that is unknown.
All of Reed City’s records from that time period are gone.
According to the response to my FOIA request for anything maintained
on the Critchfield investigation, “This
incident is beyond the retention period that we have files on record
is unclear whether Chief Rathbun did any investigation into this
matter. What is known is that Critchfield was able to steal a whole
lot of money in a short period of time. One wonders how much she was
responsible for stealing from the citizens of Reed City.
The date on the
MSP report attributed to the Critchfield investigation is March 14,
1983. On that date, a special City Council meeting was called and
they immediately went into CLOSED SESSION.
the regular April 18, 1983 meeting “City Manager Nordstrom stated
that in the process of a budget preparation, it was discovered that
there will be expenditures that far out-reach the revenues projected
in the Water and Sewer Fund. Therefore Jeannette Fenner,
Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment plant, has outlined
proposals for consideration to change the rate structure and rate
guess the City Manager figured they’d just raise the rates to cover
what one of their employees had stolen. Where I come from, that’s
called balls
of steel,
my friends. Balls
of steel!
April 25th
another Special Meeting was called and City Manager Nordstrom
strongly suggested the entire meeting be open after having been
served with a letter delivered by a police officer representing the
Prosecuting Attorney’s office.
an article in the Herald dated May26, 1983:
The Osceola County
Prosecutor’s Office is investigating an alleged violation of the
Michigan Open Meetings Act by the Reed City City Council. Osceola
County Prosecutor James Talaske said the matter has been referred to
state police Detective George Pratt. Talaske said he has received
numerous complaints concerning the city council’s alleged illegal
closed meetings. ‘This is becoming to be a matter of concern to
me,’ Talaske said. ‘I have very few options left.’
The May 16 closed session was
apparently the second time Nordstrom was involved in an alleged
violation. An agenda memo sent to council members April 22nd
setting a special budget meeting for April 25 stated the public would
be welcome, but no public input would be taken because the meeting
would be a work session. Talaske was informed of the memo and had
Detective Pratt hand deliver a written opinion to Nordstrom which
said all public meetings must include time for public input.
Councilwoman Marjorie Brown
White who voted against Monday’s closed session said the session
lasted nearly an hour and other subjects besides salaries were
discussed, however, she did not elaborate.
Prosecutor Talaske |
they were trying to do was not
discuss in public how badly the city was in debt, and why. Going back
over old newspaper accounts, there is nothing about the embezzlement
in the papers. It hadn’t gone public yet. But that was about to
this was all happening just months after the murder of Janette
Roberson. Her mother, Marion, was at each of these meetings taking
notes, and in the May 23, 1983 meeting, she was also taking pot-shots
from Councilwoman Brown White.
Jim Thompson, the city attorney, read the salary resolution. Council
members approved all salaries, but White and Noreen voted no on the
city clerk’s salary.
Her daughter was murdered four months ago and you’re going to
challenge her pay now?
It is of note that the same two council members voted yes for the
deputy clerk’s salary. The police chief’s salary motion was
defeated as well. Councilpersons White, Brooks, and Noreen voted no,
and five affirmative votes are needed.
City Manager Nordstrom
stated his proposal was to make sure the Chief made more than his
officers, since they received overtime, whereas he did not. Then the
status of the police union contract was discussed and it was decided
to wait until those negotiations were concluded to discuss the police
chief’s salary.
Councilwoman White commented that the council had never reviewed the
Water and Sewer budget. It was time they discussed it. She also
suggested that all citizens read their own meters. This was her way
of pushing a bruise. Nothing had been widely reported about the
embezzlement, and the only locals who knew anything at all were the
council, city attorney, Chief Rathbun, and anyone who may have been
passed the scuttlebutt straight from the council members themselves.
Councilwoman White’s suggestion was ignored and the city council
moved on to other matters.
Manager Nordstrom read correspondence from the Teamsters State,
County, and Municipal Workers Local 214, regarding a petition for
representation for the city department heads.
(to Marion Fisher) Did you start the union business?
Fisher (Clerk):
I do not feel I have to give out that information.
has to wonder why Councilwoman White was instigating the woman who’d
just lost her daughter in a more vicious manner than most of us can
comprehend. Did she believe Marion had something to do with the
embezzlement? There is no evidence to suggest Marion Fisher had any
knowledge of the embezzlement going on in her office, but that
doesn’t mean that wasn’t the gossip on the street. Councilwoman
White was out there quietly telling citizens to scan their Sewer and
Water bills for inconsistencies, so it isn’t out of the realm of
possibility that she was also suggesting the city clerk might have
had a hand in the illegal actions. And she wasn’t finished pointing
fingers at Marion Fisher, either.
June 30, 1983 Special Council Procedures meeting was when the “Sewer
Scandal” erupted, in earnest. Mayor Collison called the meeting to
order and stated that the agenda for this meeting consisted of one
item only – Water and Sewer Billings.
Then he turned the meeting
over to Councilwoman White, who read directly from her pre-prepared
statement. It must have been a glorious sight to behold, in a live
no less.
ready for their close-up, Mr. DeMille…
Marion Fisher
prepared these minutes, so you have to wonder about her mood when she
typed this: “Councilwoman White, at this time, held the printout
sheets of Ward 1 up one by one for the television camera.”
daughter had been dead for a little over six months, she continued to
show up for work every day, and for the flurry of meetings at night,
and there she was being publicly (and not very subtly) accused of
gross incompetence at the very least, and at worst, knowledge and/or
participation in the embezzlement by a member of the council. It
really is rather astounding when you look at it all in context.
the city council soldiered on, as did the Janette Roberson murder
September 27th,
1983, Dorothy Anita Critchfield was charged, and on November 21st
1983 she was found guilty of one count of felony embezzlement,
sentenced to one year in jail, five years’ probation, two-hundred
hours of community service, and ordered to make monetary restitution
in the amount of $42,496.
how much she embezzled in the last couple years of her employment.
Imagine how much more she could have gotten away with in her over 20
years working for the city. The possibilities are staggering.
never uncovered anything to suggest Marion Fisher had any knowledge
of the embezzlement. In fact, she went on to work for the city for years after the murder of her daughter, and I never heard anything other than she was a very good employee, and an honest, decent human being.
It was an unseemly chapter of the city’s
history, finally closed.
But the investigation into the death of
Janette Roberson was nowhere near being resolved. be continued...
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