COMPLAINT: Prosecutor James Talaske reports a
homicide at the Reed City Gambles store – Osceola County, Michigan.
LOCATION: 112-114 West Upton Ave., Reed City, MI
TIME: The offense occurred between [REDACTED] this date, Wednesday, January 19, 1983.
OWNER: The owner of the Gambles store is David Engels.
Janette Gail Roberson.
SCENE: The victim was an employee of the Gambles store in the pet
shop, which is located in the basement of the original Gambles store, 114 W.
Upton Av.
Osceola County Prosecutor James Talaske, the complainant in
this matter, was contacted at the scene and he advised that it was his request
that the Undersigned (Det. Sgt. George Pratt, Michigan State Police) handle the
INVOLVED: Reed City Police Department, Osceola
County Sheriff’s Department and Michigan State Police.
One of my first questions was this: Who called the county prosecutor, and why?
Was that standard
operating procedure in 1983? The report notes that Detective Sgt. George Pratt
was notified at the Reed City MSP Post of the homicide by James Talaske at [REDACTED] and his arrival at the scene
Question number two: What possible reason would Michigan
State Police have for redacting the arrival time of their assigned Detective? I
put this question in writing, multiple times in separate FOIA requests, and was
repeatedly turned down. The last request I made in that regard was a request
for that piece of information alone, Detective Pratt’s notification time and his
subsequent arrival time on scene. I even noted the page they could find the
information on. The request was flatly denied and the exceptions they invoked
were as follows:
It would interfere with law enforcement proceedings.
Deprive a person of the right to a fair trial.
Constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
Let me break down my responses to those points:
No it wouldn't.
Oh, come on.
Really, are you kidding me?
I learned pretty quickly that not all public information
is created equal. If an entity doesn’t want to hand it over, for whatever
reason, there are a great many ways they can get around it. Once I learned that
I would have an opportunity to speak to Detective Pratt, I jotted that one down
on my ever-growing list of questions.
In the report, Detective Pratt writes: “Upon arrival, after being admitted to the secured Gambles store
by the rear door, Reed City Police Officers Larry Finkbeiner, Michael Primeau
and Theodore Platz were recognized, along with Sheriff David Needham,
Undersheriff Thomas Dettloff, Det. Sgt. James Southworth, and Deputies Terry
Oyster and Thomas Kingsbury of the Osceola County Sheriff’s Department. Also
present were Osceola County Emergency Service employees Gary McGhee, Thomas
Stanfield and Pamela McDonald.”
According to the MSP report, a Reed City hospital employee,
who was listed as having been in the vicinity of the body at some point,
followed the EMTs into the store because she was a nurse and “It was felt that
she possibly could be of assistance.” The report states that she was “just
passing by the store at the time,” although Gary McGhee does not recall her assisting
at all, and since he knew her quite well, believes he would have.
When asked
about her presence, McGhee noted, “I vaguely remember her being in the store.
She may have come downstairs, but I do not remember her ever being allowed in
the back room where the body was. She may have peeked in but I would not have
let her become involved if she was in the room. She was a nurse at the
hospital. Paramedics were a relatively new phenomenon at the time, especially
in Northern Michigan. Many nurses, this woman included, were opposed to
paramedics performing ECG’s, starting IV’s, giving medications, and other
advanced procedures we are trained to perform in the pre-hospital setting. She
was not a big supporter of the EMS system in Osceola County.”
Officer Finkbeiner advised Detective Pratt that a store
employee, Angie Tillie, “found the victim after she was missed for some time.”
From the initial MSP report:
“It was learned thru investigation that in addition to the
police officers on the scene, ambulance employees, [the nurse who happened by],
and Angie Tillie, who found the victim, the following people had entered the
immediate area of where the victim was found, at least once, and some more than
one time: John Engels, Store Manager; David Engels, Store Owner; Thomas
Hawkins, a store patron; Dr. Earl Williams, Medical Examiner, and Chief Phillip
Rathbun of the Reed City Police Department.”
Remember, the Reed City PD report does not mention Reed City Police
Chief Phillip Rathbun’s presence at the scene, or when he arrived, unless that
information is included in the redacted portions, in which case I would be
curious as to why that would be.
“Identification of the victim was made by co-worker Angie
Tillie, who found the body, and also Officer Finkbeiner, who personally knew
the victim. Next of kin, Marion Fisher, who is the Reed City City Clerk (and Treasurer) and
mother of the victim, was notified by the Reed City Police. Mrs. Fisher and
James Nordstrom, City Manager, notified the victim’s husband, Alvin Roberson, at
their residence.”
Detective Southworth appears to have been sent on a number
of tasks, including canvassing local businesses and interviewing Janette’s
At the time of the murder, Ronald Goold owned The Buckboard Bar,
having purchased it from Ivan Youngs and his family. He eventually sold
it back to Ivan, months after the murder. The bar itself is directly next door
to the Gambles store on the side that had recently been expanded into. I spoke
to him briefly and he was kind enough to get me in touch with his daughter, Carrie
Bevard, who was working at The Buckboard on the day of the murder. She recalls Detective
Southworth hurrying into the bar that day with a couple other officers.
“There really aren’t any front windows on the building. I
remember they came in suddenly and were emptying trash cans, going through the
bathrooms... They didn’t say what they were doing at first, but I did have to
unlock the basement door for them. We knew there was something going on, but
did not know what.”
On the day of the murder business was slow, only a few
regulars in the bar. Carrie said it was sometime after lunchtime.
“They told me
there had been a murder next store and they needed to check my basement. I
unlocked the basement door—it was padlocked—but I didn’t go down with them.”
Carrie said she rarely went down to the basement to begin with
and then only to get extra mops or buckets.
“It was creepy.”
She was aware of a
door on the front of the basement wall below where the front door at street
level would be, beneath the sidewalk, and from what the detective told her,
that doorway opened into a passage that accessed the entire block below the
sidewalk. These access points were once used for coal deliveries. Carrie said
she believed some businesses already had their doors blocked by that time, so she did not know how
far the killer could have gotten around below ground, but according
to police, there was a question, on that first day, if the killer could have
been moving around down there, underground.
She said police didn’t make her
close the bar while they searched, but would not let any new customers inside.
She was told by one of the officers that Janette had left for lunch and was
murdered shortly after returning. Because Carrie went into the pet store
occasionally, she knew who Janette was, but didn’t know her personally.
Carrie and the regulars in the bar were questioned in a
group, asked things like: “Anyone acting strange come in or out?
Anyone go in the bathroom for a long time? Did anyone see anything? Had anyone
been in the pet store that day? Did they see anything unusual? Did anyone know
Janette? Had they seen her that day?”
Carrie added, “The thinking was that the person had maybe come
in there and used the bathroom to clean up. I thought the whole theory of
someone coming in there in the middle of the afternoon was ridiculous, since
during the day it was usually regulars, and anyone different would surely have
been noticed, especially if they had suddenly popped out of the basement.”
Not to mention the basement access was padlocked. She, herself, had to unlock it for the police.
Carrie said police were there for twenty or thirty minutes,
but didn’t appear to find anything and didn’t take anything out as evidence.
She said she was really scared knowing there was a killer on the loose, and in
the days to follow she would get regular escorts by one of the Reed City
Officers—Finkbeiner or Lucha, usually—to and from her car when she opened and
closed the bar.
Of his interaction with Alvin Roberson on this date, the
Michigan State Police report notes:
“To determine that the husband of the victim,
Alvin Roberson, had been notified of her demise, D/Sgt. Southworth went to the
Roberson residence. Alvin Lee Roberson was interviewed at his home. He was
advised of his Constitutional rights, which he advised that he understood and
waived. It was learned that he is employed by Kysor Unitest in Marion,
Michigan, working the first shift, 7am to 3:30pm but that he is laid off for
this week, 1-17 thru 1-21. He advised that he and his wife had been married for
eleven years, being the first marriage for both. They have two children, Kelvin
(8) and Jennifer (9). They moved to Michigan from [REDACTED] on 8-12-80. Prior to coming to Michigan, they both had
been employed at Costal Auto Parts.”
What follows that paragraph are blank pages.
Whatever information Alvin
Roberson supplied to investigators on the day his wife was murdered remains
unavailable to the public, as does almost every word of every witness statement
included in the Janette Roberson murder investigation file the Michigan State
Police has conducted, to date.
Back at Gambles, before they were allowed to leave, short
interviews were held with the employees and patrons who were still at the
store, among whom were David Engels, John Engels, Flossie Earnest, Angie
Tillie, Thomas Hawkins, Elke Johnson, and David Sandlin.
As of this writing, Thomas Hawkins is incarcerated in the
Saginaw Correctional Facility on multiple counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct,
with an earliest release date of 2030. One has to assume that since he had to
provide fingerprints at some point in that process, they’ve been compared to
those at the Roberson murder scene and he’s been ruled out.
Or, you don’t have
to assume anything of the kind, rather, feel free to entertain the possibility
that perhaps he did kill Janette, then cleaned up somehow and stood around the
store waiting for her body to be found, then waited a little more for cops to
arrive, and a little bit more after that to be interviewed, before he decided
to go home.
I’m gonna go ahead and assume he’s not our guy.
On the day Janette Roberson was murdered, Hawkins may have
visited Gambles twice—once to bring Karl Johnson to the store, and once to
drive his wife, Elke, later in the day, at least according to Karl Johnson, former
husband of Elke Johnson:
“Our muffler was broken on our car, so I think Tom Hawkins
drove me down to the store so I could sell our baby gerbils to Janette. It must
have been between 10:00 and 11:00. I waited in the basement [pet department] for
about fifteen minutes and then I went back upstairs and asked the manager when
Janette would be back. He informed me that her husband had been there a couple
of times and she might have gone home with him. I did not ask further
questions. Tom drove me home and Elke took the gerbils again later, but she
called me from the store and said Janette had been murdered and that she would
be questioned by the police. The police never asked me anything until we were
in Germany. I had told “Dan”* about Janette’s murder and they were interested
in his response when I told him, but I did not remember anything unusual.”
is a pseudonym.)
Elke does not recall Hawkins driving her to the store that
day, but admits her memory of details is bad, some three decades later. To his
recollection, her ex-husband Karl believes Thomas Hawkins drove Elke because
their car was not in service on that day.
Karl said, “I believe it was the
store manager I spoke to. I talked to him a few weeks later and he told me he
was convinced her husband did it. He said it was unusual for the husband to
come into the store as often as he did on that day. He was convinced Janette’s
husband killed her.”
Hawkins, as well as “Dan” lived in the same apartment
complex as Janette Roberson. They would both be questioned by Michigan State Police
in the months and years following the murder.
“I think “Dan” was fascinated with Janette,” Karl said. “He
spent as much time as he could with her, and she was very patient with him. In
my opinion, he was in love with her.”
When asked about the gerbils, why he would be bringing them
back to the store to Janette, Karl clarified.
“We bought the gerbils from Janette and she told me to bring the babies in to sell them back to her. She
said they sell good so she would buy them back.”
When asked about Janette’s relationship with Hawkins, Karl
said, “Elke was friends with Janette. I do not think Tom Hawkins knew her,
and if he did, it was casual. Elke spent time with Janette and we were in her
home a few times. We had aquariums and gerbils so we went to Gambles when we
needed food or accessories.”
When my assistant spoke to her the first time, Elke Johnson
maintained she was the one who found Janette and alerted an employee, presumably
Angie Tillie. When I spoke to her on the phone, weeks later, she said she’d
been thinking about it and it’s possible she first saw Janette after she went up to get an employee
that last time, and may have seen the body over Angie’s shoulder.
This many years later, she couldn’t be sure, and she started doubting her own
memory, but her first instinct was that she found the body and alerted Angie
Tillie. According to her, she was up and down those stairs looking for someone
to help her a few times and nobody seemed to know where Janette was.
Elke said she went back to Gambles with the gerbils that day
sometime around 2pm. She went downstairs. No Janette. She waited in the pet
department for what she says was about twenty minutes. Nothing. She went back
upstairs to ask where Janette was and a female employee said she was at lunch.
According to Elke, this process was repeated three or four times. She’d go back
downstairs to the pet department, wait fifteen or twenty more minutes, then go
upstairs and ask if Janette had returned. The employee kept saying she was at
Elke thought, ‘That’s a long
She felt like she’d waited a really long time.
“After the last inquiry upstairs, I thought perhaps Janette
just got too busy with birds and did not check to see if a customer was
outside. So I pressed against the door to peek in and called her name. I saw
Janette on the floor. Her hair was red with blood, her face beaten in, and
there was a pool of blood around her head on the floor.”
Elke hurried upstairs to inform the woman she’d already
spoke to several times.
“I don’t remember what I said to her. I assume I told
her I found Janette on the floor. It’s all really a blur after that.”
She did remember them locking the doors and keeping everyone
there, at some point. When pressed on times, Elke said it felt like she was at
Gambles for around an hour waiting for Janette, between going up and downstairs
each time.
“All I remember is being very angry that someone could do
such a thing to someone as nice as she was.”
According to the ME report, Janette was found at
approximately 3:50pm by a fellow employee and she was last seen alive at
approximately 1:25pm. EMT Gary McGhee remembers her being “cool, not cold” and according
to him, it likely had not just happened. This would tend to corroborate Elke’s
memory of events, given it is noted in the MSP report that she was at the store
when the body was found, and felt she’d been there at least an hour. Even if
she got there closer to three o’clock and was up and down those stairs for about
an hour, the killer had probably come and gone by the time she arrived because
she saw and heard nothing out of the ordinary while she was down in the pet
Still, Elke remains haunted by the possibility that the
killer was in the back room of the pet department, having just murdered her
friend when she arrived, and that he somehow snuck out of the basement, possibly
via the back stairway in the expanded-into area, during one of the times she
went upstairs to ask after Janette. According to Elke’s recollection, she
walked around the pet store and looked at the aquariums during the period of
time she spent in the basement. Since they were installed within the walls
between the pet department and back room, if there was someone moving around
back there while she was looking at the fish, there’s a chance she’d have seen
them. But she saw nothing out of the ordinary.
If the killer had already come and gone by the time Elke
arrived at Gambles—and presuming she arrived sometime nearer to three o’clock
and spent the next fifty minutes, or so, going up and down from the pet
department to the main store upstairs before the body was discovered—it would
indicate the attack occurred sometime between 1:25, the last time Janette was
seen according to the ME report, and around 3pm, when Elke arrived. I should
note that I have never found anyone who saw Janette around the time of 1:25.
None of the customers I spoke to who were there that afternoon around that time ever saw her.
Just Gene Johnson around 11:30.
It didn’t occur to Elke until much later how eerily quiet
the birds were while she was down in the pet department, given they normally
made a lot of noise. To her, it felt like they were too quiet.
The other employee noted on the MSP report as one of the “employees
and patrons who were still at the store” and participated in a “short interview”
that day was David Sandlin. According to his wife, David Sandlin (now deceased)
was hired to work at Gambles mainly on truck days. Sometime shortly after the
murder, to her recollection, the police came and took his clothes to be tested.
Mr. Sandlin told his wife absolutely nothing about the day, other than Janette
had been murdered. He had been in the military, his wife said, and had protected
her from all of that. It stood to reason he was doing the same regarding
Janette’s death. It was something upsetting and he didn’t like to upset her. He
was protective, she said.
When contacted in prison regarding his memory of events,
Thomas Hawkins—another of the store patrons who participated in a “short
interview” that day, and was also noted to have been in the vicinity of the
body—wasn’t inclined to talk. The one thing he made perfectly clear was that he’s not
exactly chummy with police.
Given where he is, it’s no wonder.
January 19, 1983 was
a long night for the police.
According to the Cadillac PD report, Sheriff
Needham of the Osceola County Sheriff’s office contacted them at 10:48pm to request
assistance in processing the scene. At 10:50pm, Sgt. Lund of Cadillac called Officer
Doornbos at home and by 11:00pm he was at the station in Cadillac. Along with
Sgt. Bailey of Cadillac, Doornbos left at 11:18pm en route to Reed City.
Cadillac is roughly thirty minutes from Reed City, so they’d have arrived
sometime just prior to midnight and they were quick to note who was present
when they got to the Gambles store.
When they arrived at 114 Upton, Reed City, they found Patrolman
Finkbeiner (RCPD) at the back door. At that time, these are the people they
noted as having been in the basement: Deputies Kingsbury and Oyster – Osceola
County Sheriff’s Dept.; Patrolman John Lucha – Reed City officer; Chief Rathbun
– Reed City Police Chief; Detective George Pratt – Michigan State Police, Reed
City; Laren Thorson – Evidence Tech.
From the Cadillac PD report: “When we arrived at Reed City
we went to the back door of [REDACTED]
which was the back of the Gambles store. We were met there by a city officer of
Reed City. He let us in and advised that [REDACTED]
was in the basement and showed us how to get there. Once in the basement we met
with Laren. He advised that he had worked his way down the steps and to the
cabinet with the cash register on it. He asked if we would start in the middle
of the room and work the aquariums there and work our way back.”
The area referred to is the pet store itself, which had to
be thoroughly scoured for evidence, in addition to the back room where Janette
was found. Just the latent print lifting alone must have been an overwhelming
job. Anywhere the public moves in and out of with regularity could have hundreds,
if not thousands of prints.
Based on a supplemental Cadillac Police Department report I
was able to obtain, the technicians who were called to assist Laren Thorson
lifted a number of prints from the pet department, as well as found and turned
over an object of possible evidentiary value before finally leaving the secured
building at 4:01am. be continued...
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